Premises Security

To compete with the office challenges, network security tools such as firewalls & and next-generation Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) will remain on-premise as organizations need to control the stream of data and its storage as well. Our on-premise plans provide your IT Infrastructure system the best protection. We at Connect in Cloud use identity-driven solutions to support your IPS. With our services, you can get both prevent and defend against any cyber attacks. We make sure your system performs the way desired without any spams and dips.

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Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) protect your network and cloud services from cybercriminal attacks by actively detecting (IDS) and blocking (IPS) external threats, before they can reach vulnerable devices on your network or cloud services.

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What is an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)?

An Intrusion Prevention System is a security device that monitors network and/or system activities for unusual behaviour. An Intrusion Prevention system works in real-time by blocking or preventing such activities. Network-based IPS systems operate 'in-line' to monitor all network traffic for any malicious codes and attacks. If any attack is detected, the IPS will stop and notify about the vulnerable packets, while the remaining network traffic can continue.

Intrusion Prevention Systems

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Why On-premises Security Solutions?

  • Total protection of your IT infrastructure
  • Integrating with existing IT infrastructure made easy.
  • Full systems access, both hardware & software and data behind your own firewall.
  • Protection of your information anytime, anywhere.
  • Steadfast security services that free your company from dependent on third-party security.
  • Maintain the data flow and data storage efficiently.
  • Content/information sharing made secure.
  • Outline the access permissions for your data.
  • Authenticated protection for your server keys.
  • Data over private IP connections are encoded to offer you enhanced security.
  • 24*7 protection
  • Incorporating with other services
  • Better security; Peace of mind kind of service
  • Constancy Protection of your network from attacks, protect your private data & customer data, and facilitate secure & seamless communications inside your company office team and remote users with on-premises Security solutions.
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Transmission security cic
Proactive fraud mitigation

Our On-premises Security Solutions

Our Systems On-premises Security Solutions are sensibly assessed, easy to implement and ideal for companies requiring security for their data & network.

  • Identity & Access Management Solutions: We offer Identity & Access Management solutions that secure your password.
  • IP Gateway solutions: Our team offers safety solutions like firewalling, scanning of content, and remote/mobile connectivity features. IP Gateway offers your company IT system to access Internet Gateway, Extranet Gateways, and other additional services. The CIC Systems provide needed backing to access obligatory structure with the required security. IP Gateway solutions: Our team offers safety solutions like firewalling, scanning of content, and remote/mobile connectivity features. IP Gateway offers your company IT system to access Internet Gateway, Extranet Gateways, and other additional services. The CIC Systems provide needed backing to access obligatory structure with the required security.
  • Data Security Solutions: Our team of skilled professionals who can abstract and organise an end-to-end data security solution.
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  • Email protection: The costs of an attack on your email setup range from a loss of crucial data, data theft, hard drive damages, malicious content entering your network. Our email protection plan is a complete & secure solution, which ensures info is conveyed securely to the concerned people.
  • Cyber Security Solutions: Our experts create a protected IT Infrastructure with ground-breaking solutions. We offer your business precise, actual data, and protect your network. We help businesses to take a practical tactic to ensure that they live in secure cyberspace and implement a healthy cybersecurity plan to reduce cyber threats.
  • Managed Firewall Solutions: CIC’s out handling business firewall management and monitoring solution protect your office’s key IT infrastructure. Our firewall service also offers real-time firewall monitoring for a once-a-month cost.
Proactive fraud mitigation

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Your data, infrastructure and networks are crucial for running of your company operations. Our superior monitoring and management services will ensure your entire data and system is protected, identifying all threats and vulnerabilities before they form a crisis. We offer our skills and experience to manage the resources for your architecture.

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