As demand for electricity increased and supply depended heavily on fossil fuels, hydropower and nuclear energy, concerns about carbon dioxide emissions were contributing to global warming. possible. The attention has returned to the enormous sources of energy that have formed around us in nature: the sun, the wind and especially the oceans. There was never any doubt about the size of these, the challenge has always been to take advantage of them to meet demand.
Today, we are well prepared for this challenge and at the same time test the practical limits.
Benefits of Electricity
- Tailored solutions – simple and cost effective packages
- 24/7 – dedicated account management and installation teams
- Cost savings – FREE intersite calls and calls to business mobiles
- Self-managed billing – Online cost centre reporting
- Strong partnerships – Supporting over 400,000 business lines in the UK
- End-to-end offering – Complete portfolio of services means you can keep all business communications in one place